Association of Jewish Libraries
Research Libraries, Archives, and Special Collections Division
Call for Papers, 2012 Annual Convention

The Research Libraries, Archives, and Special Collections Division 
(RAS) of the Association of Jewish Libraries is soliciting paper 
proposals for AJL's 47th Annual
Convention in Los Angeles, California. Librarians, archivists, 
scholars, educators, authors and others will meet to share their 
interest in Judaica librarianship, Jewish literacy, and related topics.

We solicit paper proposals on all aspects of Judaica librarianship as 
it is practiced in research libraries, archives, museums, and special 
collections. Examples of suitable topics include, but are not limited to:

Future of libraries in the context of Jewish Studies;
Technological developments and tools used in higher education 
libraries, such as cloud computing, academic social networks, or 
e-book platforms;
Collection development practices and policies, patron-driven 
acquisitions, and the print book culture;
Special and rare collections;
Best practices for library operations such as licensing, copyright, 
cataloging and processing of print, electronic and non-text materials;
Best practices for user-oriented library services such as 
interlibrary loan, virtual reference, or teaching information literacy;
Collaborative programs among AJL libraries or chapters;
A special theme this year is Jewish life in Los Angeles: we welcome 
presentations about local institutions, libraries, archives and 
museums, as well as programs celebrating Jews in Hollywood, the 
history of the Jewish community in California or the Israeli 
community in Los Angeles.
Round table discussions are welcome.

Submissions should include the following:
Presenter's name, address, affiliation, telephone and email contacts.
Brief biography
Title of proposed presentation
Summary of proposal
Specific technology or equipment requirements, if any

All submissions must be received by December 31, 2011. Please submit
proposals by email to: or by mail to:

Sharon Benamou
UCLA Library Cataloging & Metadata Center
11020 Kinross Ave.
Box 957230
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7230

Rachel Leket-Mor
RAS President


Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @
Ha-Safran Archives:
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