One can assume there were Palestinian libraries (and there were...) in the 1970 
or the 1980 in the West Bank and Gaza, but they WERE NOT "looted" by Israelis 
or by anyone else.
In 1948 when Israel fought for its independence and against armies of 7 Arab 
states, there was much devastation of homes in the Arab/Jordanian part of 
Jerusalem. Depending on whom you listen to, either many books belonging to the 
Arab residents were saved from toppling houses and brought to the Hebrew 
University Library that eventually joined with the Israel National Library for 
safekeeping (Israeli version), or were callously stolen by the Israelis to 
"erase Arab culture" (Palestinian version)
Your researcher would be wise to go to the sources that describe the 
collections and the provenance that reside in the National Library of Israel, 
as well as catch up on regional history
Dr. Yaffa Weisman

From: Hasafran [] on behalf of Patricia Givens 
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 12:24 PM
Subject: [ha-Safran] more info about palestine library query

Here is more information about my earlier Palestine Library query:

ā€œIā€™m researching info about Libraries in Israel. I believe there is/was a 
Palestinian library in Israel at one time that was looted by Israelis. For my 
book I want to know if there might have been such a Palestinian Library in the 
1970s or 1980s.ā€


Pat Givens
(541) 504-1160<>

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