*With apologies for cross-posting*

Columbia University Libraries is very pleased to announce the launch of the
website <http://dlc.library.columbia.edu/lcaaj> for the digitized data of
the Language and Culture Atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry. An accompanying guide
<http://guides.library.columbia.edu/lcaaj> to the use of the digitized
materials with many supplementary materials is also available.

The LCAAJ archive is an extraordinary resource for research in Yiddish
studies that can shed much valuable light on language, ethnography,
literature, folklore and music, anthropology, linguistics, Germanic and
Slavic studies, and aspects of Central and East European history. The
archive consists of over 600 interviews conducted between 1959 and 1972
with native speakers of Yiddish during a long-range comparative study to
document the effects of physical, linguistic, and cultural channels and
barriers on the geographic fragmentation of the Jewish and diverse
non-Jewish populations that coexisted in Central and Eastern Europe before
World War II. The LCAAJ project collected its interviews at essentially the
last moment, when a diverse body of native speakers was still alive, aiming
to address both the challenge of an endangered linguistic and cultural
legacy, and the special potential that Yiddish provides for studying
language and cultural contact and change.

This two-year project, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities,
digitized approximately 140,000 pages of interview documents containing
data from the interviews, carried out optical character recognition (OCR)
and mark-up of the printed responses to enable their content to be searched
and manipulated, and made all the digitized content freely available to
scholars via the Digital Library Collections
<https://dlc.library.columbia.edu/> at Columbia. Additional work, funded by
the Libraries, allowed for complete reprocessing of the full LCAAJ archive
for scholarly use. This source for historical, literary, or anthropological
research, for the study of languages in contact, and for the evolution and
differentiation of language communities, is now available to a worldwide
community of scholars.

The written materials accompany more than 5,700 hours of recorded
interviews that Columbia Libraries has already digitized through generous
support from NEH, private foundations, the New York State
Conservation/Preservation Program, and Evidence of Yiddish Documented in
European Societies <http://eydes.de/> (EYDES, a project of the German
Förderverein für Jiddische Sprache und Kultur), through which the audio is
publicly available. The long-term goal is to eventually link the written
content to the audio recordings of the interviews and make the entire audio
and written corpus available to students and scholars in an integrated form.

The interviews contain a wealth of comments about Jewish culture and
history from a place and time that is largely out of our reach
today. Bringing the LCAAJ archive into the digital environment will
exponentially increase its value to historians of Jewish Studies and
European history, linguists, anthropologists, and students and teachers of
Yiddish. The availability of this data will greatly facilitate the online
work of scholars to continue and enhance the important mapping work begun
in the first three volumes of the printed Atlas, which were published by
Niemeyer in 1992-2000.

As part of the launch of the project, an exhibition called “Yiddish at
Columbia” will be mounted in the Chang Octagon Gallery in the Rare Book &
Manuscript Library <http://library.columbia.edu/locations/rbml.html> from
March 5-June 15, 2018. Additional events will be announced at a later date.

Michelle Chesner
Norman E. Alexander Librarian for Jewish Studies
Columbia University
309 International Affairs (420 W. 118th St.)
New York, NY 
Co-director, Footprints: Jewish Books Through Time and Place
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