Clare, I am not sure I understand.  Are you saying that the students had read 
all 13 of the books you listed, including longer titles like Checkpoints, and 
Habibi?   I also want to ask: do you feel the students were *knowledgeable* 
enough about the history and background to evaluate these books as to accuracy, 
bias, etc?Andrea PS: I went to the Reframing Israel site to print up their list 
of recommended titles that we've been discussing, and the list seems to be 
gone: "Page Can't be Found."  A number of the links are gone, actually.  If 
anyone has the list, perhaps s/he could send it to me.

I had the students summarize each piece and then we discussed the issues of 
balance (giving equal time or space to both Palestinians and Israelis; fairness 
(trying to convey the truth of the situation); perspective (things look 
different based on where you are sitting), and bias (which aims to advocate for 
one side or another).

I then had them evaluate the following 13 books on each of the four qualities. 
It was a good class.
Bashi, Golbarg. P is for Palestine: A Palestine alphabet book. New York, NY, 
Dr. Bashi, 2017.
Cohen Corasanti, Michelle. The almond tree. Reading, UK :$b$, Garnet 
Publishing, 2012.
Ellis, Deborah. The cat at the wall. Toronto, Groundwood Books, 2014.
Folman, Ari. Waltz with Bashir : a Lebanon war story. New York, Metropolitan 
Books, 2009.
Fontes, Justine and Ron. A to Z Israel. New York, Children's Press, Scholastic, 
Glidden, Sarah. How to understand Israel in 60 days or less. New York, 
Vertigo/DC Comics, 2010.
Levine, Anna. Running on eggs. Chicago, Front Street/Cricket Books, 1999.
Levy, Marilyn. Checkpoints. Philadelphia, PA, Jewish Publication Society, 2008.
Lieberman, Leanne. The book of trees. Victoria, BC Custer, WA, Orca Book 
Publishers, 2010.
Nye, Naomi Shihab. Habibi : Naomi Shihab Nye. New York, Simon & Schuster Books 
for Young Readers, 1997.
Nye, Naomi Shihab. Sitti's secrets. New York Toronto New York, Four Winds Press 
Maxwell Macmillan Canada Maxwell Macmillan International, 1994.
Williams, Emma. The story of Hurry. New York, Seven Stories Press, 2014.
On opposite sides : inside the same frame : Israelis and Palestinians voice 
their hopes and concerns about the peace process : a photographic essay by 
Americans for Peace Now /. Beverly Hills, CA, 2005.
Clare Kinberg, Temple Beth Emeth Ann Arbor

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