Someone else asked me a similar question, so I'll answer here for everyone.
My session with them was the 4th or 5th of a six week class taught by our
rabbi. He is using the Israel-Palestine for Critical Thinkers video series. I had sat in on their first
two sessions, so I knew that many of the students were knowledgeable, and
had been actively learning and asking questions for the last month. I had
experienced their questions as coming from a fair amount of holely
knowledge, which is why the rabbi wanted to teach this class. In our neck
of the woods here in Michigan, all of our students go to school with
Palestinians and other Muslims and Christians from the Middle East. They
are well aware of differing perspectives on the conflict.
For my session with them I divided the class of 6 students into 3 pairs.
Each pair read one of the articles I mentioned, including yours, and
reported to the whole group what they got out of it. We had a discussion
about balance and fairness. I then gave each pair 3 or 4 books, they each
looked at them by themselves, trading back and forth with their pair
partner, then had a brief discussion with their partner to see if they came
up with the same or different observations.  They then reported to the
whole group, but just on two titles. it was definitely not a thorough
examination, but they each came up with interesting observations about each
book. Mainly they got the message that they can critically look at books
for perspective, balance, fairness, etc, and that point of view when
writing about the Israeli Palestinian conflict is very important to

Clare Kinberg, TBE Ann Arbor

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 4:29 PM Andrea Rapp via Hasafran <> wrote:

> Clare, I am not sure I understand.  Are you saying that the students had
> read all 13 of the books you listed, including longer titles like
> Checkpoints, and Habibi?
>    I also want to ask: do you feel the students were *knowledgeable*
> enough about the history and background to evaluate these books as to
> accuracy, bias, etc?
> Andrea
> PS: I went to the Reframing Israel site to print up their list of
> recommended titles that we've been discussing, and the list seems to be
> gone: "Page Can't be Found."  A number of the links are gone, actually.  If
> anyone has the list, perhaps s/he could send it to me.
> I had the students summarize each piece and then we discussed the issues
> of balance (giving equal time or space to both Palestinians and Israelis;
> fairness (trying to convey the truth of the situation); perspective (things
> look different based on where you are sitting), and bias (which aims to
> advocate for one side or another).
> I then had them evaluate the following 13 books on each of the four
> qualities. It was a good class.
> Bashi, Golbarg. P is for Palestine: A Palestine alphabet book. New York,
> NY, Dr. Bashi, 2017.
> Cohen Corasanti, Michelle. The almond tree. Reading, UK :$b$, Garnet
> Publishing, 2012.
> Ellis, Deborah. The cat at the wall. Toronto, Groundwood Books, 2014.
> Folman, Ari. Waltz with Bashir : a Lebanon war story. New York,
> Metropolitan Books, 2009.
> Fontes, Justine and Ron. A to Z Israel. New York, Children's Press,
> Scholastic, 2003.
> Glidden, Sarah. How to understand Israel in 60 days or less. New York,
> Vertigo/DC Comics, 2010.
> Levine, Anna. Running on eggs. Chicago, Front Street/Cricket Books, 1999.
> Levy, Marilyn. Checkpoints. Philadelphia, PA, Jewish Publication Society,
> 2008.
> Lieberman, Leanne. The book of trees. Victoria, BC Custer, WA, Orca Book
> Publishers, 2010.
> Nye, Naomi Shihab. Habibi : Naomi Shihab Nye. New York, Simon & Schuster
> Books for Young Readers, 1997.
> Nye, Naomi Shihab. Sitti's secrets. New York Toronto New York, Four Winds
> Press Maxwell Macmillan Canada Maxwell Macmillan International, 1994.
> Williams, Emma. The story of Hurry. New York, Seven Stories Press, 2014.
> On opposite sides : inside the same frame : Israelis and Palestinians
> voice their hopes and concerns about the peace process : a photographic
> essay by Americans for Peace Now /. Beverly Hills, CA, 2005.
> Clare Kinberg, Temple Beth Emeth Ann Arbor
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Clare Kinberg
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