Hi Esther,
When I was librarian of the Ramaz Middle School, I recommended to in 7th or
8th graders the book, Having Our Say: The Delaney Sisters First 100 Years
by the Delaney sisters and Amy Hill Hearth. It is the true story of two
African-American sisters whose parents were slaves. They moved to NY and
one became a doctor and one a dentist. Both lived to become 100 years old.
It is a nice story and accessible to young adults.
I also recommended Agathe Christie for mystery lovers. There are many adult
books that are appropriate for this age group.
Thanks for being the best librarian for all my grandchildren at RYNJ!
Noreen Wachs
Retired Librarian from the Ramaz Middle School

On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 12:02 AM Schnaidman, Esther via Hasafran <
hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:

> Hi -    We are looking to revamp our 8th -grade author study unit.   It's
> always a challenge to find books for this grade level that are appropriate
> for our students.   They are not middle schoolers but they are not high
> schoolers. I wanted
> Hi -
>   We are looking to revamp our 8th -grade author study unit.  It's always
> a challenge to find books for this grade level that are appropriate for our
> students.  They are not middle schoolers but they are not high schoolers. I
> wanted to get an idea from other day schools of what authors you are
> recommending to your students.  Some of the current authors we have: Joan
> Bauer, Robin McKinley, Mike Lupica, just to give you an idea.
> Thank you for your suggestions.
> Esther Schnaidman
> --
> *Mrs. Esther Schnaidman*
> Librarian Media Specialist
> (201) 986-1414 x 310 | eschnaid...@rynj.org
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