On Mon, 17 Jul 2017, '2+ wrote:

> am a python+csound guy who is always struggling in vain to setup haskell 
> related things
> such as installing tidalcycles on my cheap linux machines
> and since am more into oscillators than samples
> and since i hate using jack that doesnt wanna work on many of my machines
> am almost making my mind to use csound-expression as my live-coding 
> environment

I think I never used Csound with JACK thus I am pretty sure that Csound 
works without.

> but it ain't clear whether it works without jack
> and my
> cabal install csound-expression
> on my chromebook-crouton-cli-extra
> resulted into:
> user error (The package 'csound-expression-typed' requires Cabal library
> version -any && >=1.22 but no suitable version is installed.
> my crouton is still debian-jessie
> maybe that's the prob
> but do you think it will go well if i upgrade

For Ubuntu there are Deb packages for newer versions of Cabal:

But you should be able to upgrade to a new version of cabal using:
    cabal install cabal-install-


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