I noticed it sporadicly but now I see that it is reproducable: If I send
the synth description and the invokation of the synth in the same
bundle then I get
 FAILURE /s_new SynthDef not found

This happens for instance in the short example I used to demonstrate
non-realtime rendering problems recently. However the problem does only
occur in realtime mode. (function 'realtime' in mentioned module)

beep = out 0 (sinOsc AR 440 0)

name ="Beep"

installSound n = d_recv . graphdef n . graph

rootId =  0
homeId =  1
autoId = -1

msgs :: [(Double, [OSC])]
msgs =
   (0, g_freeAll [rootId] :
       g_new [(homeId, AddToTail, rootId)] :
       installSound name beep :
       s_new name autoId AddToTail homeId [] :
       []) :
   (2, g_freeAll [homeId] :
       []) :
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