Duncan Coutts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 16:24, Andrei de A. Formiga wrote:
> >    I'm finding wxHaskell very nice, and a wxWidgets
> > binding is something many other "advanced" languages
> > don't have (even OCaml). The only downside is having a
> > 'Hello World' GUI application with 7 Mb... but it runs
> > quite well and smooth once it's loaded.
> We have the same problem with gtk2hs. A stripped simple(ish) prog weighs
> in at about 2.5Mb.
> I'm not quite sure what's in there that makes it so big.
> Duncan

ghc doesn't support dynamic linking for Haskell libraries (a combination
of the amount of work involved and the platform-specific nature of the
work and the size of modern hard disks and the frequency with which
ghc's ABI changes and the number of implementation details which ghc
sticks into the exported ABI of a library anyway (via cross-module
inlining)).  So any Haskell libraries you use will get statically

Jon Cast
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