On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 21:21 -0800, Christopher Howard wrote:
> Hi. I've got this work situation where I've got to do all my work on
> /ancient/ RHEL5 systems, with funky software configurations, and no root
> privileges. I wanted to install GHC in my local account, but the gnu
> libc version is so old (2.5!) that I can't even get the binary packages
> to install.

Silly question, but have you tried *building GHC from source*?

Building GHC is non-trivial, but basically boils down to having an
existing ghc that runs enough to bootstrap, right? So you can take a
(quite old, sure, no problem) ghc out of the RHEL 5 repositories and use
that to build a current GHC 7.6 say. That _would_ be linked against
whatever library stack you have present, and you should be ok from


Andrew Frederick Cowie
+61 4 1079 6725

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