Hi John,

I just tried this out and if I copied all of the .dll files from the icu4c
bin folder into the same folder as the test icu.exe it works as expected.
 You can see what dlls are missing with the dependency walker program
http://www.dependencywalker.com/.  Perhaps with a mingw based build of
icu4c (the one I used said it was built with Visual Studio 10) you could
avoid this.

Ryan Yates

On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 4:56 PM, John MacFarlane <j...@berkeley.edu> wrote:

> Hello café:
> I'd very much like to get text-icu working on Windows, as then I could ship
> pandoc binaries that do proper unicode collation in bibliographies.  But
> I'm
> having a devil of a time.  This may be due to my very limited Windows
> knowledge.  Any help would be appreciated, especially from someone who
> actually
> has text-icu working on Windows.
> I was able to cabal install text-icu without errors. I used
> --extra-lib-dirs
> and --extra-include-dirs to point to the lib and include directories in the
> 32-bit binary distribution of icu4c.  I'm using the latest Haskell
> Platform,
> 2012.4.0.0 with ghc 7.4.2.
> I was also able to build the following simple program that uses text-icu,
> by
> doing ghc --make icu.hs:
> ~~~
> -- icu.hs
> import Data.Text.ICU
> main = print $ Locale "tr-TR"
> ~~~
> No errors or warnings in either of these steps. But when I try to run the
> compiled program, icu.exe, I get no output at all. I expected to get a line
> with 'Locale "tr-TR"', but instead I get nothing -- not even an error or
> warning.
> This remains the case if I try
> ~~~
> main = do
>   print "Start"
>   print $ Locale "tr-TR"
>   print "Done"
> ~~~
> 'echo $?' yields False.
> Any ideas?
> John
> (I've posted a similar question to StackOverflow [1], but it hasn't gotten
> an answer yet there, so I thought I'd try here.)
> [1]:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16127710/how-do-i-get-text-icu-working-on-windows
> )
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