Thanks to all for your replies!
I asked the question because I often make this kind of transformations
(please don't mind the non-sensical example):

test :: Bool -> IO ()
test foo = do
   bar <- case foo of
      True ->  return "Foo"
      False -> return "Bar"
   return ()


test :: Bool -> IO ()
test foo = do
   let bar = case foo of
        True ->  "Foo"
        False -> "Bar"
   return ()

And was wondering why can't I maintain the initial (and nicer) indentation.
But since let allows for several bindings, it make sense...


On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 8:31 PM, Corentin Dupont

> test :: Bool -> IO ()
> test foo = do
>    let bar = case foo of
>        True ->  "Foo";
>        False -> "Bar"
>    return ()
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