* Anthony Cowley <acow...@seas.upenn.edu> [2013-10-12 15:43:57-0400]
> On Oct 12, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Niklas Hambüchen <m...@nh2.me> wrote:
> > 
> > I would like to come back to the original question:
> > 
> > How can ordNub be added to base?
> > 
> > I guess we agree that Data.List is the right module for a function of
> > type Ord a => [a] -> [a], but this introduces
> > 
> > * a cyclic dependency between Data.List and Data.Set
> > * a base dependency on containers.
> > 
> > What is the right way to go with that?
> > 
> > Should ordNub be introduced as part of Data.Set, as Conrad suggested?
> > 
> > It does not really have anything to do with Set, apart from being
> > implemented with it.
> I think nub's behavior is rather set-related, so I don't really
> understand the objection to putting it in Data.Set.

It's not Set (in the data structure sense) related. It's list-related,
because it clearly acts on lists.

Therefore, it belongs to Data.List.

Besides, we already have the precedent of the slow nub being in


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