On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 08:23:41PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Dave Bayer wrote:
>> Here, the Wiki is fantastic but extraordinarily spotty (any healthy wiki 
>> will
>> always have much new growth, but the current gaps are surprising), and 
>> newcomers
>> like myself can and have been contributing to it.
> Whenever I find that something isn't on the Wiki, I try to add it. (E.g., 
> the articles on alpha/beta/eta reduction.)
> On the other hand, when I find something isn't there, it's usually because 
> I'm trying to look it up because I don't understand it. ;-) To some extend, 
> incorrect information can be worse than no information... :-(

Conversely, it's generally easier for us to fix an incorrect page than
to write a new one from scratch.


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