hs_GLUT_getProcAddress in cbits/HsGLUT.c apparently requires FREEGLUT
or GLUT_API_VERSION >= 5 or OPENGLUT to be defined at compile time in
order to work, as the standard GLUT 3.7 doesn't even have the
glutGetProcAddress(..) function.

Paul Liu

On 9/4/07, Sven Panne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 September 2007 15:37, Paul L wrote:
> > The detection of freeglut or glut is at compile time by checking if
> > some function exists. Otherwise it's not able to link. So you'll have
> > to re-compile the Haskell GLUT package.
> Show me the code where the alleged tests are made, please... :-) The only
> things which are determined at build time are the linker options for linking
> OpenGL/GLUT applications and the calling convention on the platform in
> question. If you change your GLUT DLL to a freeglut DLL, everything should
> work, including freeglut extensions. If not, I consider this as a bug and
> I'll try to fix it. But to see what's going on, some logs, commandlines, etc.
> are needed to reproduce what other people have done.
> For a more detailed discussion, perhaps the hopengl list might be more
> appropriate.
> Cheers,
>    S.
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