On 2008.01.17 00:58:19 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled 0.9K characters:
> Achim Schneider writes:
>> Lisp is actually not really meant to be compiled, but interpreted. The
>> nice thing is that it doesn't need more than a handful of primitives, a
>> list parser and heap manager/garbage collector and evaluator, which all
>> can be implemented in under 1000 lines of C. Things get more involved
>> with get/cc, but then how many C programmers ever heard of setjmp...
> Would you mind stopping to spread dubious truths?
> Certainly, Lisp processors started with simple eval/apply interpreters,
> since they were easy to construct, but compilers, their name is Legion!
> Look at CMU Common Lisp compiler.
> GNU CLISP compiler
> Lisp Works compiler
> Allegro compiler
> ...
> Jerzy Karczmarczuk

I don't think it's a dubious truth. Apparently a lot of Lisps (like Maclisp or 
Interlisp, I hear) had a situation where the semantics of a program could 
differ depending on whether it was compiled or interpreted, and Scheme and 
Common Lisp made a point of trying to avoid that.

In _Introduction to Common Lisp_, we read:
 "Most Lisp implementations are internally inconsistent in that by default the 
interpreter and compiler may assign different semantics to correct programs. 
This semantic difference stems primarily from the fact that the interpreter 
assumes all variables to be dynamically scoped, whereas the compiler assumes 
all variables to be local unless explicitly directed otherwise. This difference 
has been the usual practice in Lisp for the sake of convenience and efficiency 
but can lead to very subtle bugs. The definition of Common Lisp avoids such 
anomalies by explicitly requiring the interpreter and compiler to impose 
identical semantics on correct programs so far as possible." 

Given that it was designed as interpreted, compilation was motivated by 
efficiency concerns, and interpreted techniques differed from compiled 
techniques (and in a way that would allow you to redefine and change more stuff 
on the fly), I think it's a reasonable case to say that many Lisps - like all 
the ones before Scheme and CL - were meant to be interpreted and not so much 

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