On 17 Jan 2008, at 12:31 pm, Achim Schneider wrote:
Lisp is actually not really meant to be compiled, but interpreted.

The "classic" Lisp is Lisp 1.5.
The Lisp 1.5 Programmer's Manual, published in I think 1961,
contains "Appendix D: The Lisp Compiler".
If I'm reading appendix G correctly, the compiler was under
4000 words of storage.

nice thing is that it doesn't need more than a handful of primitives, a list parser and heap manager/garbage collector and evaluator, which all
can be implemented in under 1000 lines of C. Things get more involved
with get/cc, but then how many C programmers ever heard of setjmp...

I have no idea what get/cc might be, unless it is a mistake for call/cc,
but that's Scheme, not Lisp. "Classic" Lisp stack management wasn't really any harder than Pascal stack management (in part because classic Lisps were
still struggling to get closures right).

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