Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
| Linux Nokia-N810-42-19 2.6.21-omap1 #2 Fri Nov 16 16:24:58 EET 2007
| armv6l unknown
| I would love a working GHC implementation on it, if for nothing else
| than how awesome it would be. Whether that means using a C back-end or
| native compilation doesn't matter to me so much.
| I might be one to attempt this, as I know C and ARM-ish asm decently
| well and have a powerful desktop to compile on. I have no familiarity
| with GHC internals, though. Lastly, I won't have anything like the time
| to attempt this seriously until mid-September or so.

That's good.  John Dias is hard at work on GHC's back end, and we should be in 
reasonable shape by mid Sept.  Better still a month later...   Keep us posted 
with what you do.


Well, I've documented three attempts in detail on the ArmLinuxGhc Trac page[1]. In short, it doesn't work.

6.8 and 6.9 fail, expectedly, since bootstrapping is known to be broken[2]. 6.6 might be made to work, but it didn't work with moderate effort and so it seems foolish to invest that sort of energy into an old version when the back end is being overhauled.

As it appears that the task will be much easier after the back end changes, this project is effectively on hold until the 6.10 release. In particular, bootstrapping needs to work. There is a bug[2] about this with milestone set to 6.10.1. Hopefully a quick-and-dirty unregisterised port will be easy after that, with registerised and possibly even native code-gen on the horizon.

One question that has come up is, what external tools does GHC need to build binaries on a given platform? When going via-c, is a complete C toolchain necessary? When doing native code-gen, are ld or ar required, or other binutils? If we magically had a 6.9 that would generate ARM binaries, what would it take to run binaries built in the dev environment on the device? Would it take more to run GHC itself on the device?

Braden Shepherdson


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