On 23 Aug 2008, at 22:36, Matus Tejiscak wrote:

On So, 2008-08-23 at 22:16 +0200, Thomas Davie wrote:
Today I made an interesting discovery.

We all know the benefits of a strong type system, and often tout it as
a major advantage of using Haskell.  The discovery I made, was that C
programmer don't realise the implications of that, as this comment


Apparently, no one realises that a SEGFAULT is a type error, just not
a very helpful one.


Type errors are useful because they emerge at compile time and prevent
you from compiling (and running) a broken program. A segfault is a
runtime error and as such provides no such guide -- it may or may not
arise and you don't know something's wrong until sigsegv kills your app, screws all your data, crashes the airplane etc. (without the possibility
to tell whether/when it will happen).

I guess I didn't express my point very clearly... That C programmers apparently don't realise that a type system that's sound will give them something -- i.e. their programmer won't ever segfault. I wonder when we try to advertise Haskell if we should be saying "we can give you programs that never segfault", instead of "we have a strong type system".

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