I rather doubt anybody will know the answer to this, but I'll ask anyway...

Under MS Windows, if you right-click on an executable file and select "properties", sometimes there's a "Version" tab that tells you the version number of the program. And sometimes there isn't. (Most especially, GHC-compiled programs do not have this tab.) Anybody know how to go about adding this?

Also, anybody know how to give a GHC-compiled program a custom icon?

If it's going to be really difficult then I won't bother, but it'd be interesting to know.

(In other news, today I discovered that applying UPX to my 2.8 MB GHC-compiled executable shrinks it down to 800 KB and it still functions. And WinZip shrinks it down to just 300 KB. 2.8 MB for a program that just does a little text parsing does seem a touch excessive to me...)

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