Taking this to haskell-cafe..

http://joyful.com/repos/darcs-sm/api-doc is a mashup of haddock, hoogle
and hscolour (and darcsweb, darcs-graph - see http://joyful.com/repos).

It's rough but quite useful - a few minutes here gave me a much better
understanding of the big picture of darcs code. By alternating shift &
enter in the contents pane I could browse quickly through all modules.

Improvement: one could do a lot of useful magic with javascript. But it
would be more powerful to improve the tools, eg I'd like if haddock had
frames/no-frames built in and hoogle could be made to work in either
case. I haven't had time to work on this, currently I hard-code the
target in hoogle and munge the haddock output slightly (see recent patch
in darcs-unstable).

As you say it would be great to keep improving this area and baking it
into our tools and infrastructure. Highly accessible and efficient docs
and code browsing tools help a lot!

On Sep 27, 2008, at 1:49 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:

I'm wondering if you could find a way to make it "trivial" for people using 
cabal to combine haddock and hoogle the way you have for darcs?

Some ideas:
1) Depend entirely on cabal for the auto setup of things
2) Provide the framed interface on your webpage also has a layout in emacs (so 
people can use either web or emacs)
3) Package it so that people just 'cabal install hoodock && hoddock ./src' and 
then they are done for 90% of cases
4) Provide demos for darcs and something else large like GHC

What do you think?  If you need help with it, I'm sure there are tons of people 
on Haskell-Cafe that would really dig this and help you with it.

Thanks, I love it!



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