Hello Mauricio,

Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 2:26:21 PM, you wrote:

imho, Haskell isn't worse here than any other compiled language - C++,
ML, Eiffel and beter tnan Java or C#.every language has its own object
model and GC. the only ay is to provide C-typed interfaces between
languages (or use COM, IDL and other API-describing languages)

> I think Haskell is not nice to write general purpouse libraries
> that could be easily and completly wrapped by other languages.
> You can wrap gtk, sqlite3, gsl, opengl etc., but you can't write
> python bindings for Data.Graph.

> But, then, if you claim there's nothing else Haskell can't do,
> what do you need those bindings for ? :)

> Best,
> Mauricio

>> Hi everyone
>> So I should clarify I'm not a troll and do "see the Haskell light". But
>> one thing I can never answer when preaching to others is "what does
>> Haskell not do well?"
>> Usually I'll avoid then question and explain that it is a 'complete'
>> language and we do have more than enough libraries to make it useful and
>> productive. But I'd be keen to know if people have any anecdotes,
>> ideally ones which can subsequently be twisted into an argument for
>> Haskell ;)
>> Cheers,
>> Dave

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