> Austin Seipp wrote:
> >Excerpts from Andrew Coppin's message of Sat Nov 29 03:37:58 -0600 2008:
> >  
> >>Are you seriously asserting that it's "bad" for people to stop and think 
> >>about their designs before building?
> >
> >To be fair, I don't think you're in a position to say whether the
> >authors of these libraries took careful consideration in their design
> >or not; unless, of course, you wrote one of them and *didn't* think
> >about the design?
> I said "I think we should take a step back and work out a plan" and Don 
> said "no, I think we should just keep blindly hacking away instead". So 
> I said that seems like a very bad idea to me...

I didn't say that - you just made it up! And you even added fake quotes!

Andrew, seriously, it's about time you contributed some code, rather
than just empty noise on the list?

-- Don
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