Joe Fredette <> wrote:

> I've seen alot of FRP libraries come up, and I'm always left with the 
> question, "Where the heck are the FRP tutorials?"
> I'm talking about the bare-bones, 
> "I've-never-even-touched-this-stuff-before" kind of tutorial.
> Something that explains the general theory and
> provides a few simple applications, maybe the start of a bigger one
> or something to mess around with and actually learn how to use FRP.
> The notion seems interesting, and perhaps I just haven't googled hard 
> enough, but I can't really seem to find a good, newbie-level tutorial
> on it.
> Can anyone aim me in the right direction?

Mind you, frp libraries differ quite a lot and using them might
require knowledge of their innards, but the main thing to wrap your head
around is looking at the points instead of the whole "update loop", as
frp abstracts away the time. 

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