2009/04/26 Miguel <miguelim...@yandex.ru>:
> 2009/04/26 Jason Dusek <jason.du...@gmail.com>:
>> If we do not preserve the old ways, it'll be anarchy all the
>> way down.
> How exactly are you going to preserve old ways?

  Whenever are we are presented with the a question of correct
  conduct, we must re-affirm our commitment to the practices
  handed down to us.

  When we revisit this question -- "Should we maintain the 80
  column limit?" -- it as an opporunity to affirm this practice.
  Through this exercize, we perenially renew our faith in this
  convention, accepting the bonds of convention.

  This ritual -- the "line-length reminding ritual" -- is played
  out across all programming communities several times a year.
  Everyone says the same things. Then they all go away with the
  80 column limit re-established in their minds.

Jason Dusek
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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