On 2009-10-22 14:56, Robert Atkey wrote:
Yes, it might have been that, OTOH I'm sure I saw it in some Haskell
code. Maybe I was imagining it.

There is some related Haskell code in the Agda repository.

Do you know of a characterisation of what languages having a possibly
infinite amount of nonterminals gives you. Is it all context-sensitive
languages or a subset?

I found a PhD thesis by Marvin Solomon (Cornell, 1977) which mentions
the following, in retrospect obvious, fact: With an infinite set of
non-terminals you can represent /any/ (countable) language, by using one
non-terminal for every string in the language.

I adapted this argument to show that a total parser combinator library
which I have implemented in Agda has exactly the same expressive power
as (total) functions of type List Bool → List R (assuming the token type
is Bool):

 Parser combinators are as expressive as possible


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