Daniel Fischer wrote:
Am Mittwoch 24 Februar 2010 23:17:46 schrieb Andrew Coppin:
Erlend Hamberg wrote:
if you open the software manager and go to configuration →
repositories, you should be able to add new software sources. i use
the following repository:

Server name: download.opensuse.org
Directory: /repositories/devel:/languages:/haskell/openSUSE_11.2/

This repository contains GHC 6.12, alex, happy, etc.
OK, I'll try that tomorrow and see where I get...

Or, go to http://software.opensuse.org/search/ , type ghc [alex, happy, ...] in the search box, click the search button and 1-click-install.

This works - and adds all the Haskell stuff to the respositories list, apparently.

Amusingly, I installed the GHC package, and then discovered that while GHC runs, it won't compile anything. But if you (manually) install GCC as well, *then* it works. (Isn't that the package manager's job? WTF?)

Anyway, I'm currently attempting to get cabal-install to work...

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