I started with the following:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies  #-}

class DoC a where
    type A2 a
    op :: a -> A2 a

data Con x = InCon (x (Con x))
type FCon x = x (Con x)

foldDoC :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Con f -> a
foldDoC f (InCon t) = f (fmap (foldDoC f) t)

doCon :: (DoC (FCon x)) => Con x -> A2 (FCon x)
doCon (InCon x) = op x

fCon :: (Functor x, DoC (FCon x)) => Con x -> A2 (FCon x)
fCon = foldDoC op

I then changed the rank of op, but forgot to update the foldDoC 
accordingly---see below.  Attempting to compile this causes GHC to run forever 
using 100% cpu.  The corrected definition of foldDoC works fine.  Should the 
GHC (6.12.1) behavior in the face of my foolishness be reported as a bug or is 
this a legitimate infinite recursion of type deduction?

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies  #-}

class DoC a where
    type A2 a
    type A3 a
    op :: a -> A2 a -> A3 a

data Con x = InCon (x (Con x))
type FCon x = x (Con x)

-- should have been changed to this, which works
-- foldDoC :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> A2 (FCon f) -> Con f -> a
-- foldDoC f i (InCon t) = f (fmap (foldDoC f i) t)

-- this original version causes GHC to hang
foldDoC :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Con f -> a
foldDoC f (InCon t) = f (fmap (foldDoC f) t)

doCon :: (DoC (FCon x)) => Con x -> A2 (FCon x) -> A3 (FCon x)
doCon (InCon x) = op x

-- note that if this is commented out then there's no hang: presumably because 
GHC doesn't have to perform type deduction for foldDoC.
fCon :: (Functor x, DoC (FCon x)) => Con x -> A2 (FCon x) -> A3 (FCon x)
fCon = foldDoC op

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