erik flister wrote:

    That's what I want to do. I'm asking about a good way to write the
    algorithm that traverses the notes and reconstructs the document
with the correct duration in each note.

why isn't this as simple as

I'm learning from your code examples, but I don't understand how this turned into an argument about simplicity. I never said it was complex. I do admit it's probably simpler than my initial approach.

Maybe I should take a step back and describe my goals. I am experimenting with algorithms for putting a "human touch" on midi playback. I will use Finale to enter the music, then export as MusicXML to my software. Getting from MusicXML---which is a complex format that encompasses everything from notational subtleties to performance subtleties---into a relatively simple internal representation is truly the easy part. The real meat of my project is the code to perform the music.

foldr'ing something like this over the xml notes (assuming monophony and that they are listed in order of start time)?

In a MusicXML document, you can't assume

  - that the notes are in order of start time
  - monophony
  - that two tied notes are immediately adjacent in the data

None of that is true. I conceive of this problem as multiple passes. On the first pass, I translate XML notes into a convenient internal representation, on the second pass sort them, then make a pass to figure out ties. Whether this is the best approach, I do not know. I am here to learn.

Regarding my use of Rational, it's because I'm representing *notated* durations or positions in time, which are always fractions of integers. Suppose I give the command to my program to play via midi everything from bar 1 beat 1 to bar 2 beat 2 1/2. I want to use Rational so I know 2 1/2 means 2 1/2 and not 2.49999999999. (*) However, *performed* times are a matter of tempo, accel, rit, trills, tremolo, arpeggio etc., and are probably best conceived as Real.

I don't quite get this:

> forall x. (Real x, Fractional x) => x if you're picky.


(*) I may want to use the location of a note (bar and beat) as the key in a Map, which I believe should be done with Rational and not Float.

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