On Jul 20, 2010, at 10:28 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

What I don't see is "HOW DO I USE THIS STUFF?"

I think tutorials are the best way to do that (i.e., example normal forms for the computations the library intends to expose). Perl's package archive (the cpan) traditionally uses a "Synopsis" section that exposes "representative" functions at each layer/step: http://search.cpan.org/~lds/GD-2.45/GD.pm for example.

After all, the source is always structured in more-or-less the same way. Fragments of text with opaque -- unless/until you understand them -- combinators "join" two distinct concepts/types into functions. A chain of functions (potentially at various levels of abstraction) is a computation. You "use" these things by finding a chain of types (Start -> A), (A -> B), (B -> C), ... (N -> Goal) and composing, filling in additional details as necessary. Building that chain means doing depth first searches on a tree/graph of possibilities, and usually isn't so much fun. The library developer is in the best position to do exactly that, having already done it while constructing the library.
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