On Oct 24, 2010, at 8:52 AM, wren ng thornton wrote:

But then, how should we decide whether the additive or multiplicative structure is more "neutral"?

On Oct 24, 2010, at 7:08 AM, Jacques Carette wrote:

People usually use additive notation for commutative monoids, and multiplicative notation for generic monoids. It's a convention, nothing else.

I recently used

    class Monoid m where
      one :: m
      (*) :: m -> m -> m

    class CommutativeMonoid m where
      zero :: m
      (+)  :: m -> m -> m

   class (Monoid s, CommutativeMonoid s) => Semiring s

(The `Semiring` class only serves as a contract for additional laws.)

Considering the convention Jaques mentions and my wish for splitting the two monoids underlying a semiring into separate classes, it seemed natural to use multiplicative notation for the "neutral" case.

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