Hi Sam.  I don't know much about the performance problems you are
seeing, but I think your solution is more cleanly implemented just
under the event level with futures.

I think the reactive function you want has a type like this:

stateMachine :: s -> (a -> s -> s) -> (s -> Future (b, s)) -> Event a -> Event b

I don't think that function currently exists in Reactive, but the semantics are:

stateMachine initialState updateState runner input
  | runner initialState -> (b, nextState) happens before the first
event in input => output the b, then stateMachine nextState
updateState runner input
  | input -> (Stepper a input') happens first => let nextState =
updateState a nextState, then stateMachine nextState updateState
runner input'

Here's my thoughts on an implementation:

stateMachineF s0 upd run (Event inp) = do
    x <- mappend (Left <$> run s0) (Right <$> inp)
    case x of
        Left (b,sNext) -> return (Stepper b (stateMachineF sNext upd run inp))
        Right (Stepper a inpNext) -> stateMachineF (upd a s0) upd run inpNext

stateMachine s0 upd run inp = Event $ stateMachineF s0 upd run inp

Then we can do something like

queue delay = stateMachine Nothing upd run . withTimeE where
    run Nothing = mempty
    run (Just (t, a, q)) = future t (a, sNext) where
        sNext = fmap (\(a', q') -> (t + delay, a', q')) (viewQ q)
    upd (time, x) Nothing = Just (time + delay, x, emptyQ)
    upd (time, x) (Just (t, a, q)) = Just (t, a, pushQ x q)

given these queue functions:

emptyQ :: Queue a
viewQ :: Queue a -> Maybe (a, Queue a)
pushQ :: a -> Queue a -> Queue a

which can be pretty easily implemented on the standard functional
queue structure

data Queue a = Q [a] [a]
emptyQ = Q [] []
pushQ a (Q fs bs) = Q fs (a:bs)
viewQ (Q [] []) = Nothing
viewQ (Q (a:fs) bs) = Just (a, Q fs bs)
viewQ (Q [] bs) = viewQ (Q (reverse bs) [])

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 1:26 PM,  <sam.roberts.1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I hope someone is interested in helping me out with the reactive library.
> I am trying to implement a function "queue" in reactive:
> queue :: Double -> Event a -> Event a
> This is a simple queue: events from the event stream coming into the queue,
> queue up waiting to be processed one by one. Processing an event takes a
> constant amount of time for every event. The output of the queue function
> is the stream of processed events.
> My current (deficient) implementation of the queue function is:
> queue dt eventsIn =
> do
> (a,exitT) <- withExitTime eventsIn
> _ <- atTime exitT
> return a
> where
> withExitTime = scanlE calcExitTime (undefined, -1/0) . withTimeE
> calcExitTime (_,prevExitT) (a,inT) = (a, (max inT prevExitT) + dt)
> I am having three problems.
> 1 - I find my implementation of the queue is less clear then an imperative
> description of a queue.
> 2 - I rely on being able to calculate the exit time of an event when it
> first arrives at the queue, whereas an imperative queue would simply store
> the event in queue and only need to calculate the output time once the event
> was popped off the queue. If I want to do something similar with my
> function,
> I think I need to make some sort of recursive definition of a queue which
> responds to it's own exit events. I've tried to code this up, but have not
> managed to wrap my brain around the concept.
> 3 - The code performs horribly! I am guessing that this is because I have
> not
> told reactive that the exit events preserve the ordering of the input
> events,
> but I'm not sure how to encode that relationship in reactive.
> (It's worth noting here that I actually have a fourth problem too: I get
> linker errors while trying to compile a profiling version of the program ...
> but that's a separate topic.)
> It's also worth noting, from a performance point of view, that a much
> simpler
> "delay" function with similar use of the bind function performs badly as
> well:
> delay :: Double -> Event a -> Event a
> delay dt es = do (e,t) <- withTimeE es
> _ <- atTime (t+dt)
> return e
> I'd appreciate any light that anyone could shed on any of these problems.
> If there's a better way of structuring my queue function, or if there's a
> better way of changing event times in reactive, I am open to all
> suggestions.
> Many thanks,
> Sam
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