>>> Cabal- will be downloaded and installed.
>> That's a bad sign.
>> Have you downoaded the bundle from the cabal-install page?
> Ermmm, yeeees [sudden pangs of guilt] was that not the right thing to do?
>> That's not the right thing to do
> Darn!
>> (yeah, somebody should tell unsuspecting travellers).
> We would kinda appreciate it :-)

This gave me some deja vu so I checked my sent mail, turns out on May
19 I wrote about the same thing.  I updated one wiki page to not point
to that cabal page, but I don't have permissions to take down the page
itself.  No one responded to my email so I forgot I had sent it and
never been answered.  So I repeat:

If you search for "cabal install", the first link is
http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/hackage/wiki/CabalInstall, which in
turn leads to http://haskell.org/cabal/download.html.

It looks very official and canonical and all that, but that page has
an old version of cabal install that will no longer compile with ghc7
because it requires old libraries.  Of course it won't tell you that
right off, first it will install a whole bunch of old stuff, charge
you a fiver, and then emit some "constraint can't be satisfied" msgs
which if you have some experience with haskell and cabal already
should eventually tip you off that something's wrong.

Is there someone out there who has permissions to either take that
page down, or replace it with a link to the new version at

I updated http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/hackage/wiki/CabalInstall to
point to the platform and to the hackage page, but the cabal page at
http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Cabal-Install still links to
http://haskell.org/cabal/download.html.  Should I just replace the
haskellwiki page with a link to the hackagewiki one?  I would try to
port over any up to date info of course.

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