fluency in Scala is an industry asset, since it runs in the Java VM,
while Haskell is an academic asset as well as a fun asset.

The value of  an industry asset grows with the  lack of competence of
others. Therefore competing guys are not welcome. There are enoug
crocodiles  in the pond.


2011/5/24 Ketil Malde <ke...@malde.org>:
> Juan Daugherty <j...@acm.org> writes:
>> Every computing culture is different.
> Definitely.  I've just given up on several "cultures" which are just too
> vitriolic.  Scala is on my list of interesting stuff to look at some
> day, but if I'm going to be flamed for asking questions about the
> language, I can easily find something else to fill my time with.
>> Being in the habit of asking questions you should be able to answer yourself
>> is not a good idea.
> Maybe not.
> Is it a good idea to flame people who do this?
> If you look at two case studies: the Scala thread where Gregory was
> involved, and the recent mail here, basically asking for 'catMaybes'.
> Replying "whoosh", or otherwise producing non-informative, arrogant
> feedback results in a long thread, culminating in a more useful answer,
> as well as a lot of noise.
> Replying with a pointer to 'catMaybes' resulted in (most likely) the
> author going off to finish/improve his program, and some more
> interesting discussion on alternative ways to do this.
> The point is that at face value, being rude and arrogant may drive away
> naive questions, but is much more likely to result in endless threads of
> discussions of etiquette, usually laced with ample amounts of
> hostility.  This actually decreases signal to noise.
> Also it not only drives away the naive questions, it drives away the
> people asking them.  People who might at some point become informed,
> contributing members of the community.
> I don't know, maybe Scala is big enough that they can afford to behave
> that way.  Some people quit haskell-cafe for other (better policed?)
> forums, so perhaps we are too liberal?  I hope not.
>> Although Haskell comm. is necessarily welcoming due to the learning
>> curve and lack of popular adoption there are limits here too.
> My theory is that flaming cultures arise around people who are
> technically brilliant, but somewhat lacking socially, either through
> arrogance or ineptitude.  Members of communities where such people
> become central respect them for their brilliance, and then emulate, echo
> or support them.  (I guess the implicit rationale is that if the smart
> people are assholes, being an asshole will make people - or myself -
> think I'm smart, too).
> Why have we managed to avoid this?  Partly because of the heavy academic
> slant, usually academia tends to reserved politeness.  Also, there's a
> lot of theory floating around, so although I might get impatient with
> some people, I can't really grow arrogant, since there's so *much* I'm
> obviously completely ignorant at.
> (Sorry about the long off-topic rant.)
> -k
> --
> If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
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