I confess that I have not had enough free time in the last two years to have 
been a good chair for the language committee.  (Using Haskell in the real world 
is just too absorbing!)  I think the next chair should probably be an academic, 
who may have more incentive to spend effort on formalisation of the language 
design process than us industrial types.  (At work, if we want a language 
extension, we just go ahead and implement it - job done.)

There is a mailing list for the members of the language committee: 
haskell-2011-commit...@haskell.org.  It has not seen any activity since 3 
messages in October 2011, and prior to that, a thread of 13 messages in 
Nov/December 2010.  Both of those threads were largely about the vanishingly 
small number of proposals to be decided upon, and whether to issue a new Report 
(the answer being no on both occasions).

So, given that there are a few people who have expressed interest in reviving 
the language formalisation process, perhaps we should hold nominations for a 
new committee, in the spirit of the method outlined on the wiki page:  

Please send nominations to haskell-2011-commit...@haskell.org, summarising your 
interest and experience.  The existing committee will (I hope) make some 
decision on how to proceed, in early January 2013.


On 12 Dec 2012, at 02:42, Ramana Kumar wrote:

> Dear Malcolm,
> What is the current status of Haskell Prime, as far as you know?
> (Is there a better way to reach the Haskell Prime committee than just 
> emailing the chair?)
> We have a few volunteers here looking to keep Haskell Prime moving forward, 
> and Simon suggested following the tracks of earlier pioneers and 
> resuming/joining where they left off.
> Cheers,
> Ramana

Haskell-prime mailing list

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