On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 11:47 AM, Herbert Valerio Riedel <hvrie...@gmail.com>

> "yes" :-)
> Btw, here's an old commit which updates the class diagram to this
> effect for the report:
> https://github.com/hvr/haskell-report/commit/
> 339ea257ee8b0451fbba388480566efac6ecbbd3
Ha, I wasn't aware of that repository. We agreed today to move the report
itself to the https://github.com/haskell/rfcs/ repository. Should we move
the build system around it as well? I'd say probably not, leave the
haskell/haskell-report repository the canonical one and update it from
haskell/rfcs/ once we're ready to publish. I wish GitHub made it possible
to symlink files in two repositories like this.
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