The good thing about laTeX is that out of all the candidates it is the most 
likely one to still work 40 years from now,


> Op 9 sep. 2017, om 15:40  heeft Herbert Valerio Riedel <> 
> het volgende geschreven:
> Hello *,
> On 2017-09-08 at 00:46:52 +0200, Mario Blazevic wrote:
> [...]
>>> If the report was written in reStructuredText we could simply use
>>> something like the service. But since it's LaTeX, we
>>> have to do a little bit more work to publishes ("deploys" in newspeak)
>>> .pdf drafts somewhere else, but it's doable.
>>> I can take care to set it up, if it's clear what kind of CI/CD we want.
>> Is the current publishing system really that difficult?
> No, it's not that bad, it's just that there likely won't be a service
> that'll work out of the box with GitHub integration like readthedocs...
>> To my grizzled ears, this sounds like you're fishing for a volunteer
>> to translate LaTeX to ReST. I'd actually be willing to do that, as I
>> have plenty of experience with text transformations, but I'd need a
>> buy-in from everybody.
> ...but I wouldn't go as far as to suggest this is reason enough to
> translate the report into .rst
> I guess I was rather trying to fish for some commitment that we want in
> fact to stay with LaTeX; I was planning to pick up where I left things
> in 2015 and clean up/refactor the TeX text and also investigate what our
> current options are to generate state-of-the-art .pdf, .html and .epub
> output. And I'd like to avoid this resulting a waste of effort in case
> we decide to move away from LaTeX in the foreseeable future...
> Long story short, is everyone ok to stay with (La)TeX, or is there some
> compelling reason that would justify migrating to a different
> documentation system?
> -- hvr
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