>Let's make this more concrete and fill out those definitions... and also  
>include the important class definition from p.32.  The definitions are a
>bit contrived to get the types right:
>|  class Foo a          where foo :: a -> a
>|  class Foo a => Bar a where bar :: a -> a
>|  instance Num a => Foo [a] where
>|      foo []     = []
>|      foo (x:xs) = map (x+) xs
>|  instance (Eq a, Text a) => Bar [a] where
>|      bar []     = []
>|      bar (x:xs) = foo xs where u = x==x
>|                                v = show x
>Now suppose that you wanted to evaluate bar "abcde".  This would require that  
>you also have instances:
>   o Eq Char and Text Char (from the second instance declaration).  Neither
>     of these is a problem.
>   o Foo [Char].  Well this isn't a problem at first because there is a
>     matching instance declaration.  But that declaration also requires that
>     there is an instance Num Char.  No such instance exists!
>So, when you try this in Gofer, you get:
>|  ? bar "abcde"
>|  ERROR: Cannot derive instance in expression
>|  *** Expression        : bar d133 "abcde"
>|  *** Required instance : Bar [Char]
>|  *** No subdictionary  : Num Char
>The part of the report that you refer to is intended to describe the static  
>checks that will be performed in a proper Haskell system to detect this error  
>at an earlier stage.  (Remember, Gofer is not a proper Haskell system.)  On  
>the other hand, the Gofer approach has its advantages.  For example, in Gofer  
>we can evaluate:
>|  ? bar [1..4]
>|  [5, 6]
>The fact that the existence of instances Eq a and Text a does not in general  
>imply the existence of an instance Num a does not matter here because, when
>a is replaced by the type Int of integers, all three instances are defined.
        Ok. Agreed. Actually I had considered this point before posting.
But consider this example
        class Foo a => Bar a where ...

        instance (Eq a, Text a) => Foo [a] where ...

        instance Num a => Bar [a] where ....

        data X a = X a

which Haskell says is valid. Complete the above program as Mark
has done above.Now for the expression

        bar [(X 1),(X 2)]

the Haskell compiler has to give the message that there is no
instance Bar [X int]. This is similar to the above message 
for the expression (bar "abcde"). What I argue is that I will
give a similar message for the first program also.There is no need to
make the first program illegal. You are also denying some 
valid programs as Mark has given above.


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