I applaud the intention of the Haskerl group to make the use of Haskell
easier and, in the same spirit, I would like to suggest some further
extensions to make "literate" programming easier.

Most Haskell users (and certainly all Haskell compiler writers) also
use LaTeX, so I suggest that literate programming should be made easier
by integrating some LaTeX features into Haskell to enable automatic
pretty-printing of programs.

My first suggestion is that lists could be delimited by the itemize
environment e.g.

first element,
second element,
long and involved third element,
fourth element

The printed version of this list would be of the form:

[first element,
 second element,
 long and involved
   third element,
 fourth element]

so indentation would be automatically taken care of.

Arrays could be similarly defined using the enumerate environment, so:

first, second, third

would print as:

array (1,3) [1 := first,
             2 := second,
             3 := third]

This requires a little intelligence to work out the upper array bound,
but that is not hard.

The possibilities for mathematical programming are endless. For example:

\sum_{i=0}^{n} x_{i}

would be the sum of the first n+1 elements of the list x, and would be
printed using the sigma notation, which is much easier to read than the
Haskell equivalent.

It goes without saying that Haskerlatex (as I have dubbed it) would
print all variable names in italic, keywords in bold and so forth to
further aid the program reader.

I could go on and on about the advantages of these extensions, but I will
stop now as I would like the Haskerl group to have time to consider them
soon, as I presume it has a strictly limited lifetime.

Nick North
National Physical Laboratory

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