Sorting is a hobby-horse of mine, so I cannot resist the temptation to
elaborate on the subject. I was motivated to write this rather long
reply by Carsten Kehler Holst saying `As far as I can see the
difference between merge sort and heap sort as described by Jon is
almost non existing'. Carsten is not quite right but he is not totally
wrong either. Both sorting algorithms are based on priority queues, so
it may be worthwhile to take a `data-structural look at sorting'.
That's the theme of this email.

There are still some open points, so any remarks, corrections, ideas
etc are *welcome*.


PS: Those who are interested in performance only should skip to Section 10.

> import List                   (  group  )
> import System                 (  getArgs  )

1. Introductory remarks

What makes up a good sorting algorithm? Here are some criteria:

A. it should be asymptotically optimal (ie O(n log n) worst case behaviour
   ruling out quick sort ;-)),

B. it should be stable (ie it may not change the order of equal elements),

C. it should be smooth (a smooth sort has a linear execution time if the
   input is nearly sorted).

All algorithms we are going to present are asymptotically optimal (with
the notable exception of `jonsSort') and all of them are stable. Only
`smoothMergeSort' has shown to be smooth (to the best of my
knowledge).  However, practical experiments suggest that `pairingSort'
and `jonsSort' adopt quite well to the input data.

Additional criteria one *may* consider:

D. it should be lazy (ie `head . sort' has linear execution time),

E. it should run faster if the input contains many equal elements.

All algorithms are lazy. No algorithm explicitly addresses Criterion E.
Again, experiments suggest that `pairingSort' and `jonsSort' adopt
quite well to the input data.

It is advisable to gather some test data to check the various
implementations. A stable sorting algorithm should perform well on the
following data.

> strictlyIncreasing n          =  [1 .. n]
> increasing n                  =  interleave x x
>     where x                   =  strictlyIncreasing n
> strictlyDecreasing n          =  [n, n-1 .. 1]
> decreasing n                  =  interleave x x
>     where x                   =  strictlyDecreasing n
> constant n                    =  replicate n 0

The following generators produce lists containing many equal elements
(provided `k << n').

> repIncreasing k n             =  take n (copy [0 .. k])
> repDecreasing k n             =  take n (copy [k, k-1 .. 0])
> oscillating k n               =  take n (copy ([0 .. k] ++ [k, k-1 .. 0]))

Finally we have random data.

> random n                      =  take n (random2Ints (2*n) (3*n))

A complete list of all generators.

> generators                    :: [Int -> [Int]]
> generators                    =  [ strictlyIncreasing,        -- 0
>                                    increasing,
>                                    strictlyDecreasing,
>                                    decreasing,
>                                    constant,
>                                    repIncreasing 2,           -- 5
>                                    repIncreasing 100,
>                                    repDecreasing 2,
>                                    repDecreasing 100,
>                                    oscillating 2,
>                                    random ]                   -- 10

NB We only consider lists of Int's. It may be worthwhile to repeat the
benchmarks (Section 10) with data designed to make comparisons
dominate, see Jon's second email.

2. Priority queues

Here is the abstract data type of priority queues formulated as a
Haskell class definition.

> data SeqView t a              =  Null
>                               |  Cons a (t a)
> class PriorityQueue q where
>     empty                     :: (Ord a) => q a
>     single                    :: (Ord a) => a -> q a
>     insert                    :: (Ord a) => a -> q a -> q a
>     meld                      :: (Ord a) => q a -> q a -> q a
>     splitMin                  :: (Ord a) => q a -> SeqView q a
>     fromList                  :: (Ord a) => [a] -> q a
>     toOrderedList             :: (Ord a) => q a -> [a]
>     single a                  =  insert a empty
>     insert a q                =  single a `meld` q
>     fromList                  =  foldm meld empty . map single
>     toOrderedList q           =  case splitMin q of
>         Null                  -> []
>         Cons a q              -> a : toOrderedList q

The function `splitMin' replaces `isEmpty', `findMin' and `deleteMin'
which usually belong to the standard repertoire. The call `splitMin q'
returns `Null' if `q' is empty and `Cons a q1' otherwise (`a' is a
minimal element of `q' and `q1' is the remaining queue).

The prototypical sorting algorithm based on priority queues looks as
follows (`PQ' refers to the concrete implementation)

  pqSort                        :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
  pqSort                        =  toOrderedList
                                .  (fromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> PQ a)

We have two phases: a creation phase and a selection phase. Typically,
the creation phase has O(n) running time and the selection phase
O(n log n) (`toOrderedList' calls `splitMin' n times, `splitMin' typically
takes O(log n) time). Given these bounds Criterion D is automatically

There are several ways to define `fromList'. The default definition
above uses the balanced variant of `fold' as defined in Appendix A.
Alternatively one could define

      fromList                  =  foldr insert empty

Which one is preferable depends on the concrete implementation of
priority queues. We will see examples of both.

3. Top-down merge sort

The simplest implementation of priority queues employs ordered list.

> instance PriorityQueue [] where
>     empty                     =  []
>     single a                  =  [a]
>     meld [] y                 =  y
>     meld x@(a:_) []           =  x
>     meld x@(a:x') y@(b:y')
>         | a <= b              =  a : meld x' y
>         | otherwise           =  b : meld x  y'
>     splitMin []               =  Null
>     splitMin (a:x)            =  Cons a x
>     toOrderedList             =  id

The function `meld' corresponds to `merge', hence the name of the
sorting algorithm.

> mergeSort                     :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
> mergeSort                     =  toOrderedList
>                               .  (fromList ::(Ord a) => [a] -> [a])

The default definition of `fromList' guarantees O(n log n) worst case
behaviour. Using `fromList = foldr insert empty' yields insertion sort
which exhibits O(n^2) worst case behaviour. NB This definition of
`mergeSort' corresponds to the standard textbook definition [1, p.153]
[2, p. 112]; see also Miranda's standard environment.

4. Bottom-up merge sort

Using Jon's `treefold' instead of `foldm' gives a bottom-up variant.

> bottomUpMergeSort             :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
> bottomUpMergeSort             =  toOrderedList . fromList
>     where fromList            :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
>           fromList            =  treefold meld empty . map single

Interestingly, `bottomUpMergeSort' has much in common with Richard
O'Keefe's applicative merge sort [2, p. 112]; see also Chris Okasaki's
sortable collections [3, p. 32].

5. Binary heaps

To add a personal touch to the discussion here is my first implementation
of heap sort which is based on binary heap ordered trees [4, p. 155].

> data BinTree a                =  Empty
>                               |  Bin (BinTree a) a (BinTree a)

> instance PriorityQueue BinTree where
>     empty                     =  Empty
>     single a                  =  Bin Empty a Empty
>     insert b Empty            =  Bin Empty b Empty
>     insert b (Bin l a r)
>         | a <= b              =  Bin (insert b r) a l
>         | otherwise           =  Bin (insert a r) b l
>     meld Empty u              =  u
>     meld t@(Bin _ _ _) Empty  =  t
>     meld t@(Bin l a r) u@(Bin l' b r')
>        | a <= b               =  Bin (meld l r) a u
>        | otherwise            =  Bin t          b (meld l' r')
>     splitMin Empty            =  Null
>     splitMin (Bin l a r)      =  Cons a (meld l r)
>     fromList                  =  foldr insert empty

Repeated `insert's with no intervening `splitMin's construct so-called
Braun trees (`size r <= size l <= size r+1' holds for each `Bin l a r').
This guarantees a worst case running time of O(n log n) for `heapSort'.

> heapSort                      :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
> heapSort                      =  toOrderedList
>                               .  (fromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinTree a)

NB The operation `meld' on `BinTree a' is closely related to `meld' on
lists, ie `merge'. We have

        toOrderedList (meld t u) = merge (toOrderedList t) (toOrderedList u) .


  heapSort                      :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
  heapSort                      =  toOrderedList . fromlist
      where fromList            :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinTree a
            fromList            =  foldm meld empty . map single

is structurally equivalent to `mergeSort' (ie it performs the same
comparisons during the sorting process).

6. Pairing heaps

Chris has pointed out that Jon's sorting algorithm uses *multipass*
pairing heaps [5]. As we shall see pairing heaps perform extremely well
in practice. However, no tight theoretical bounds are known. We start
with an implementation of `ordinary' pairing heaps.

> data Tree a                   =  Nil
>                               |  Node a [Tree a]

NB The constructor `Nil' is only used on the top-level, it never
appears below a `Node' .

> instance PriorityQueue Tree where
>     empty                     =  Nil
>     single a                  =  Node a []
>     meld Nil u                =  u
>     meld t@(Node _ _) Nil     =  t
>     meld t@(Node a ts) u@(Node b us)
>         | a <= b              =  Node a (u:ts)
>         | otherwise           =  Node b (t:us)
>     splitMin Nil              =  Null
>     splitMin (Node a ts)      =  Cons a (meldAll ts)
>     fromList                  =  meldAll . map single

Different variants of pairing heaps differ in the implementation of

> meldAll                       :: (Ord a) => [Tree a] -> Tree a
> meldAll []                    =  Nil
> meldAll [t]                   =  t
> meldAll (t:u:ts)              =  meld (meld t u) (meldAll ts)

Note that subsequent trees are first paired using `meld', hence the
name of the data structure.

> pairingSort                   :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
> pairingSort                   =  toOrderedList
>                               .  (fromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Tree a)

What about the running time? Fredman et al [5] show that `meld' and
`splitMin' run in O(log n) amortized time. Hence we have O(n log n)
worst case behaviour. NB Chris Okasaki has developed a persistent
variant of pairing heaps [6] which might be worth trying, as well.

The function `meldAll' corresponds to `foldr meld empty . pairfold
meld'.  Alternatively, one can make repeated passes over the trees
using `treefold meld empty'. For ease of reference we call this variant
`jonsSort' ;-).

> jonsSort                      :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
> jonsSort                      =  toOrderedList . fromList
>     where
>     meldAll                   =  treefold meld empty
>     fromList                  =  meldAll . map single
>     toOrderedList Nil         =  []
>     toOrderedList (Node a ts) =  a : toOrderedList (meldAll ts)

Fredman et al [5] state that the multipass variant is not easy to
analyse which is certainly true. They only succeed in proving an
O(log n log log n/log log log n) bound on the amortized time per heap
operation. Hence it is not clear whether `jonsSort' is an O(n log n)
algorithm. NB Jon's implementation is not stable since he uses the
test `a < b' in the definition of `meld'.

I know of no argument or (formal) proof that sorting with pairing heaps
is smooth. Perhaps you know?

7. Imperative heap sort

Imperative implementations of heap sort use an implicit representation
of binary heaps ie the binary tree is embedded in an array. For a
functional explanation we step backward and represent an array by a
binary tree. The original heap sort uses left-complete trees. We use
Braun trees [2, p. 154] instead. However, every implementation of
functional arrays would do. We could generalize the following to an
array-based implementation of priority queues.

> newtype Braun a               =  Braun (BinTree a)

> instance PriorityQueue Braun where
>     empty                     =  Braun empty
>     single a                  =  Braun (single a)
>     insert a (Braun t)        =  Braun (insert a t)
>     splitMin (Braun Empty)    =  Null
>     splitMin (Braun (Bin l a r))      
>                               =  case splitLeft l of
>         Null                  -> Cons a empty
>         Cons b l'             -> Cons a (Braun (siftdown r b l'))
>     fromList                  =  foldr insert empty

The construction of the `heap' works top-down. EXERCISE. Devise a
bottom-up variant which uses `siftdown' (see below). Bird [8, p. 21]
gives a solution to this problem. END. The second phase follows the
imperative version quite closely: the smallest element (ie the
leftmost) is replaced by an arbitrary element (usually the rightmost)
which is sifted down the heap.  Both `splitLeft' and `siftdown' employ
the fact that their arguments are Braun trees.

> splitLeft                     :: BinTree a -> SeqView BinTree a
> splitLeft Empty               =  Null
> splitLeft (Bin l a r)         =  case splitLeft l of
>     Null                      -> Cons a Empty         -- `r == Empty'
>     Cons b l'                 -> Cons b (Bin r a l')

Functionally speaking, `siftdown' is a smart constructor for binary

> siftdown                      :: (Ord a) => BinTree a -> a -> BinTree a
>                               -> BinTree a
> siftdown Empty a r            =  single a             -- `r == Empty'
> siftdown l@(Bin _ b _) a Empty
>     | a <= b                  =  Bin l a Empty
>     | otherwise               =  Bin (single a) b Empty
> siftdown l@(Bin l1 a1 r1) a r@(Bin l2 a2 r2)
>     | a <= a1 && a <= a2      =  Bin l a r
>     | a1 <= a2                =  Bin (siftdown l1 a r1) a1 r
>     | otherwise               =  Bin l a2 (siftdown l2 a r2)

> braunSort                     :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
> braunSort                     =  toOrderedList
>                               .  (fromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Braun a)

8. Natural or smooth merge sort

Merge sort has O(n log n) running time independent of the input.
However, it is easy to make merge sort smooth by dividing the input
into increasing runs. Carsten suggests to use `group (<=)' which only
takes increasing runs into account. The following variant uses both
increasing and decreasing runs.

> runs                          :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [[a]]
> runs []                       =  []
> runs x@[a]                    =  [x]
> runs (a:b:x)
>     | a <= b                  =  ascRun  b (\y -> a:y) x
>     | otherwise               =  descRun b [a] x
>     where
>     ascRun a as []            =  [as [a]]
>     ascRun a as x@(b:y)
>         | a <= b              =  ascRun b (\y -> as (a:y)) y
>         | otherwise           =  as [a] : runs x
>     descRun a as []           =  [a:as]
>     descRun a as x@(b:y)
>         | a <= b              =  (a:as) : runs x
>         | otherwise           =  descRun b (a:as) y

NB To preserve stability `descRun' uses only *strictly* decreasing
sequences: [n, n, n-1, n-1, .. 1, 1] is split into n runs. Does anybody
know of a better solution?

> smoothMergeSort               :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
> smoothMergeSort               =  toOrderedList . fromList
>     where fromList            =  foldm meld empty . runs

The bottom-up variant of `smoothMergeSort' closely corresponds to
Richard O'Keefe's `smooth applicative merge sort' [2, p. 113].
EXERCISE. Make `heapSort' smooth. Hint: Replace `Empty' by `Run [a]' in
the definition of `BinTree a'. END.

9. Testing

We refrain from proving the correctness of the various sorts and
perform some simple test. The proofs are left as an ...

> sorter                        :: (Ord a) => [[a] -> [a]]
> sorter                        =  [ mergeSort,                 -- 0
>                                    bottomUpMergeSort,
>                                    heapSort,
>                                    pairingSort,
>                                    jonsSort,
>                                    braunSort,                 -- 5
>                                    smoothMergeSort ]

Just type `test 10' to convince yourself that the sorts work for input
data of length 10.

> test                          :: Int -> Bool
> test n                        =  and [ mergeSort x == sort x
>                                      | sort <- sorter,
>                                        input <- generators,
>                                        let x = input n ]

10. Benchmarks

The code works for both Hugs and ghc-2.07 (it should work for hbc and
nhc as well but I haven't verified this.)

> main                          =  do args <- getArgs
>                                     let sort  =  sorter!!read (args!!0)
>                                     let input =  generators!!read (args!!1)
>                                     let n     =  read (args!!2)
>                                     print (last (sort (input n)))

To compile use

        ghc -O -o pqsort PQSort.lhs -H32M

To run use something like

        pqsort 7 10 50000 +RTS -K32M -H32M

And the winner is ... [you should probably enlarge your window]

     50000 |         < |        <= |         > |        >= |        == |      1 2* |   
1..100* |      2 1* |   100..1* |  1 2 2 1* |    random 
     merge |      1.36 |      3.16 |      1.33 |      2.89 |      1.37 |      1.92 |   
   3.04 |      1.92 |      2.97 |      1.92 |      7.70 
 bottom-up |      0.91 |      2.12 |      0.88 |      1.98 |      0.98 |      1.71 |   
   2.93 |      1.77 |      2.89 |      1.77 |      7.80 
      heap |      9.16 |        oo |      9.24 |        oo |      4.39 |      7.52 |   
   8.58 |      7.47 |      8.55 |      7.58 |      9.75 
   pairing |      0.39 |      1.22 |      0.61 |      1.62 |      0.45 |      0.73 |   
   1.57 |      1.07 |      1.68 |      0.75 |      3.22 
     Jon's |      0.45 |      0.99 |      0.44 |      0.98 |      1.04 |      1.44 |   
   1.69 |      1.46 |      1.70 |      1.40 |      3.86 
     braun |      6.69 |     21.46 |      6.68 |     21.57 |      2.82 |      5.23 |   
   6.29 |      5.21 |      6.28 |      5.17 |      7.24 
    smooth |      0.10 |      0.23 |      0.08 |      2.10 |      0.11 |      1.63 |   
   1.36 |      1.60 |      1.41 |      1.61 |      7.71
        oo = heap or stack overflow

        1. |    smooth |    smooth |    smooth |     Jon's |    smooth |   pairing |   
 smooth |   pairing |    smooth |   pairing |   pairing 
        2. |   pairing |     Jon's |     Jon's |   pairing |   pairing |     Jon's |   
pairing |     Jon's |   pairing |     Jon's |     Jon's 
        3. |     Jon's |   pairing |   pairing | bottom-up | bottom-up |    smooth |   
  Jon's |    smooth |     Jon's |    smooth |     braun 
        4. | bottom-up | bottom-up | bottom-up |    smooth |     Jon's | bottom-up | 
bottom-up | bottom-up | bottom-up | bottom-up |     merge 
        5. |     merge |     merge |     merge |     merge |     merge |     merge |   
  merge |     merge |     merge |     merge |    smooth 
        6. |     braun |     braun |     braun |     braun |     braun |     braun |   
  braun |     braun |     braun |     braun | bottom-up 
        7. |      heap |           |      heap |           |      heap |      heap |   
   heap |      heap |      heap |      heap |      heap 

Sorting with pairing heaps is the clear winner: `pairingSort' is always
among the first three, the same holds for `jonsSort' (place 4 for `=='
is not really an exception). On random data they are twice as fast as
any other algorithm. My version of heap sort is really bad, sigh.
Perhaps surprisingly, `braunSort' works quite well on random data. NB
Times were taken on a loaded Sun Ultra-1 Sparcstation (run time options
-K32M -H32M, median out of five runs).

If we increase the size of the input data we see that sorting with
pairing heaps is also space efficient: only `pairingSort' and
`jonsSort' work on all test sequences. Maybe someone wishes to verify
this making heap profiles?

    100000 |         < |        <= |         > |        >= |        == |      1 2* |   
1..100* |      2 1* |   100..1* |  1 2 2 1* |    random 
     merge |      3.15 |      9.16 |      2.83 |      8.96 |      3.18 |      6.65 |   
   9.60 |      6.64 |      9.46 |      6.58 |        oo 
 bottom-up |      2.18 |      7.73 |      1.99 |      7.60 |      2.17 |      4.74 |   
  13.01 |      4.63 |     12.51 |      4.59 |        oo 
      heap |        oo |        oo |        oo |        oo |     17.90 |        oo |   
     oo |        oo |        oo |        oo |        oo 
   pairing |      1.20 |      2.53 |      1.58 |      3.93 |      1.28 |      2.25 |   
   3.93 |      2.24 |      4.07 |      2.23 |      9.87 
     Jon's |      0.95 |      2.73 |      0.93 |      2.90 |      2.18 |      3.00 |   
   3.54 |      3.06 |      3.51 |      2.78 |      8.63 
     braun |     21.87 |        oo |     21.77 |        oo |      7.66 |     14.67 |   
  20.93 |     14.93 |     21.00 |     14.65 |     23.01 
    smooth |      0.22 |      0.41 |      0.17 |      6.77 |      0.20 |      4.49 |   
   3.25 |      4.43 |      3.21 |      4.40 |        oo 
        oo = heap or stack overflow

        1. |    smooth |    smooth |    smooth |     Jon's |    smooth |   pairing |   
 smooth |   pairing |    smooth |   pairing |     Jon's 
        2. |     Jon's |   pairing |     Jon's |   pairing |   pairing |     Jon's |   
  Jon's |     Jon's |     Jon's |     Jon's |   pairing 
        3. |   pairing |     Jon's |   pairing |    smooth | bottom-up |    smooth |   
pairing |    smooth |   pairing |    smooth |     braun 
        4. | bottom-up | bottom-up | bottom-up | bottom-up |     Jon's | bottom-up |   
  merge | bottom-up |     merge | bottom-up |      
        5. |     merge |     merge |     merge |     merge |     merge |     merge | 
bottom-up |     merge | bottom-up |     merge |  
        6. |     braun |           |     braun |           |     braun |     braun |   
  braun |     braun |     braun |     braun |       
        7. |           |           |           |           |      heap |     braun |   
        |           |           |           |  

Final remarks

We have seen that many sorting algorithms can be explained in terms of
priority queues. What about quick sort and colleagues?  It is
well-known that quick sort is equivalent to tree sort [7, p. 26]. So
again we can take an data-structural view at sorting. But that is
another story to be told by ...

Practitioners are probably surprised to learn that `pairingSort' is the
algorithm of choice for sorting. Any objections to this recommendation?
I was surprised to see that it performs so well: sorting 50.000 Int's
in roughly three seconds and 100.000 Int's in roughly nine seconds is
quite acceptable.

A. Appendix

Here is yet another colleague of `foldr' and `foldl': `foldm'
constructs a balanced expression tree.

> foldm                         :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
> foldm (*) e []                =  e
> foldm (*) e x                 =  fst (rec (length x) x)
>     where rec 1 (a:x)         =  (a, x)
>           rec n x             =  (a * b, z)
>               where m         =  n `div` 2
>                     (a, y)    =  rec (n - m) x 
>                     (b, z)    =  rec m       y

Jon's `treefold'. In a sense `foldm' works top-down and `treefold'
works bottom-up.

> treefold                      :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
> treefold (*) e []             =  e
> treefold (*) e [a]            =  a
> treefold (*) e (a:b:x)        =  treefold (*) e (a * b : pairfold (*) x)

> pairfold                      :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
> pairfold (*) (a:b:x)          =  a * b : pairfold (*) x
> pairfold (*) x                =  x -- here `x' will have fewer than two 

Note that `foldm' and `treefold' construct different trees: `foldm'
returns a Braun tree while `treefold' returns a tree of the form
        t1 * (t2 * (.. (tn-1 * tn) ..))

where the ti's are complete binary trees in decreasing size. The size
of the trees corresponds to the binary decomposition of the input

The random-number generator which is stolen from the `hbc'-library.

> random2Ints                   :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
> random2Ints s1 s2
>   | s1 < 1 || s1 > 2147483562 =  error "random2Ints: Bad first seed."
>   | s2 < 1 || s2 > 2147483398 =  error "random2Ints: Bad second seed."
>   | otherwise                 =  rands s1 s2

> rands                         :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
> rands s1 s2
>     | z < 1                   =  z + 2147483562 : rands s1'' s2''
>     | otherwise               =  z              : rands s1'' s2''
>     where k                   =  s1 `div` 53668
>           s1'                 =  40014 * (s1 - k * 53668) - k * 12211
>           s1'' | s1' < 0      =  s1' + 2147483563
>                | otherwise    =  s1'
>           k'                  =  s2 `div` 52774
>           s2'                 =  40692 * (s2 - k' * 52774) - k' * 3791
>           s2'' | s2' < 0      =  s2' + 2147483399
>                | otherwise    =  s2'
>           z                   =  s1'' - s2''

Some auxiliary functions.

> copy                          :: [a] -> [a]
> copy                          =  concat . repeat

> interleave                    :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
> interleave [] y               =  y
> interleave (a:x) y            =  a : interleave y x


[1] Richard Bird and Philip Wadler. "Introduction to Functional
    Programming", 1988, Prentice-Hall, Series in Computer Science
[2] Lawrence C Paulson. "ML for the Working Programmer", second
    edition, 1996, Cambridge University Press
[3] Chris Okasaki. "Purely Functional Data Structures", PhD thesis,
    School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University,1996,
[4] Ralf Hinze."Einf"uhrung in die funktionale Programmierung mit
    Miranda", 1992, Teubner Verlag
[5] Michael L Fredman, Robert Sedgewick, Daniel D Sleator and
    Robert E Tarjan. "The pairing heap: A new form of self-adjusting heap"
    Algorithmica 1(1):111-129, 1986.
[6] Chris Okasaki, "Functional Data Structures", The Second
    International Summer School on Advanced Functional Programming
    Techniques, 1996, LNCS 1129
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[8] Richard S. Bird, "Functional algorithm design", Science of Computer
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