Announce: TclHaskell

TclHaskell is a haskell binding to Tcl-Tk that lets you build GUIs in
Haskell. It is Haskell98 compliant. It has been tested under
hugs98 and ghc-4.04.

It provides a platform independent way to develop GUIs. Tcl-Tk runs
on windows, macs and unix without altering source code, and provides
native look and feel. TclHaskell has been developed with Tcl8.0.
(It should work with later versions too.) You'll need tcl-tk 8.0.
Get it from

TclHaskell was first developed by Chris Dornan, and was left in beta
form. This is the first full release of TclHaskell.

There is a user manual, and demos directory, with a full range of

Send bug reports to: Meurig Sage, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(I'll be away for the next fortnight and will only be looking at my email

The TclHaskell web site is at:

New in this release:
Widgets can now be built by giving them explicit names, or
by simply making them children of windows. This brings together
the best of TkHaskell and TclHaskell (the two previous releases).

Much greater range of Tcl-tk supported especially support for
listboxes, text edit areas, and entries, and packing widgets into windows.

Support for writing dialog boxes.

Various bugs fixed.

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