On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, Rene Grognard wrote:

> My question is therefore: is Haskell at all suitable for complex numerical
> applications ?

_In my opinion_, Haskell is suitable for numerical programming if you
don't need performance close to C (because your problems are small say and
you're prototyping) or the numerical portions of your algorithms are
sufficiently stable (e.g., root finding, SVD decomposition, etc) that you
can code them once in C and then call them from Haskell code that does
`the interesting part of the algorithm'. However it's not (yet?) suitable
for writing numerical algorithms where the performance needs to be close
to C simply to be feasible (e.g., solving large MRF models, etc). The
`yet' comes from the observation that (AFAIK) there's no fundamental
reason why a such algorithms couldn't be programmed in a functional way &
compiled to something close to C since the patterns of computation are in
many ways much simpler than in less numerical algorithms. Of course
detecting these patterns at compile time is much tougher than it looks at
first glance. 

> Is there even any interest for such applications in the Haskell community ?

Well... here's a few indincations (sorry no URLs) that there is interest
in programming numerical algorithms in Haskell. 

(1) I'm interested in (semi-)numerical algorithms in Haskell, but it
doesn't have the performance (yet?) to program the numerical bits in
Haskell. Unfortunately the numerical bits are, for my application, the
difficult & rapidly changing, bit so writing them in C and then calling
that from Haskell means I wouldn't get any `programmer efficiency' 

(2) Jerzy Karczmarczuk (spelling from memory) has written a renderer in
Haskell (as did one of John Hughes students at Chalmers, but that looks
to be written in non-standard Haskell). John O'Donnell was looking at
expressing rendering algorithms in Haskell as well I think.

(3) Jan Skibinski has written some packages doing some linear algebra
stuff, and seems a strong proponent of making Haskell better equipped for
such problems with standard libraries. 

The noticeable thing though is that I don't think any of these people work
on numerical algorithms in Haskell `full time', as it were.

> If the answers are yes, are there books or on-line tutorials giving
> non-trivial examples of such uses ? ... libraries ?

Not that I know of.

Hope this helps,

email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       "He'd stay up all night inventing an
www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~tweed/pi.htm   alarm clock to ensure he woke early
work tel: (0117) 954-5253         the next morning"-- Terry Pratchett

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