Jón Fairbairn wrote (to the Haskell mailing list):

> pi1_3 or proj1_3 or select_1_3 or sel_1_3, even s_1_3 -- omitting the
> "_" means sel1111 is ambiguous (!).  We should choose a scheme that can
> cope with such things even if they are unlikely.

> I don't think pi_m_n looks right unless you replace pi with the greek
> letter (UNICODE, anyone?).

Or adopt the proposal by Mark Jones and Simon Peyton Jones for records 
<http://research.microsoft.com/~simonpj/#records> and its extension
to tuples, and you can write x.1, x.2, x.3 etc. Tbey don't seem sure
about the syntax, but I don't mind using integers as field names for

I think in all cases records are a better data structure. Just use tuples
for functions with multiple results.


Ronny Wichers Schreur

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