Manuel M. T. Chakravarty writes:
 > Florian Hars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
 > > To cite the comments of Olof Torgersson on Haskell
 > > (
 > > 
 > >    As a consequence the programmer loses control of what is really
 > >    going on and may need special tools like heap-profilers to find out
 > >    why a program consumes memory in an unexpected way. To fix the
 > >    behavior of programs the programmer may be forced to rewrite the
 > >    declarative description of the problem in some way better suited to
 > >    the particular underlying implementation. Thus, an important
 > >    feature of declarative programming may be lost -- the programmer
 > >    does not only have to be concerned with how a program is executed
 > >    but has to understand a model that is difficult to understand and
 > >    very different from the intuitive understanding of the program.
 > What's the problem with using a heap profiler?  Sure, heap
 > usage can get out of hand when writing a straight forward
 > maximally declarative (whatever that means) version of a
 > program.  Is this a problem?  No.

One might argue analagously that C/C++ programmers ought to use tools like
proof assistants and model checkers to help reason about the correctness of
their programs. The fact is that, when we talk about the operational behavior
or denotational semantics of a program, any reasoning "tool" which is _in_ the
language is preferable to a tool which is _outside_ the language.

Thus, when correctness is the more important, it is better to use Haskell, the
language constructs of which encourage (partial) correctness, than it is to
use a C + a verifier; and when efficiency is more important, it is better to
use C, the language constructs of which encourage efficiency, rather than
Haskell + profiling tools.

For me, correctness is almost always paramount, but clearly some people feel
differently, or we would not be so ubiquitously plagued with buggy free and
commercial software, hardly any of which is written in declarative languages.

 > The trick about a language like Haskell is that you get to a
 > working prototype of your program extremely quickly.  Then,
 > you can improve performance and, eg, use a heap profiler to
 > find the weak spots and rewrite them.  And yes, then, I
 > usually lose the pure high-level view of my program in
 > theses places in the code.

I would rather not lose it at all, by expressing the operational behavior
which I demand in a declarative fashion. This is, IMO, part of the reason why
notions such as monads (and linearity) are valuable: they give you some
measure of control over operational details without sacrificing the "pure
high-level view".

Of course, some fiddling is always needed...

 > This is still a *lot* better then not having the high-level
 > view at all and taking much longer to get the first working
 > version of my program (even if it is already more efficient
 > at that point).  I don't know about you, but I rather have
 > 90% of my program in a nice declarative style and rewrite
 > 10% later to make it efficient, then having a mess
 > throughout 100% of the program.

A problem, as I see it, is that, although compilers like GHC do an admirable
job of optimizing away the overhead of laziness, etc. in many circumstances,
you can't be sure. You can use profiling tools and such after writing
my code, but sometimes the changes that need to be made can be far-reaching,
and you'll wish you had short-circuited this cycle in the first place.

A lot of people who program extensively in Haskell have a good
understanding of the underlying abstract machine, and can anticipate the
changes that need to be made, or at least ensure that they are
localized. For example, they know "tricks" like ways to increase laziness;
when I see messages like Florian's, I am reminded that such tricks can be
relatively obscure.

In short, the problem is that in a language such as Haskell without a
high-level abstract operational semantics, you don't see all the benefits of a
declarative style, since, as far as efficiency goes, we have only replaced the
conventional programmer's mental model of a traditional machine architecture,
with a more esoteric model which is some fuzzy idea of a lazy abstract
machine. The abstract machine may be simpler, but you still can't reason about
it in a formal way if it's not a part of the standard. The best you can do is
go off and read some papers, written by researchers for researchers, which
describe a lazy machine, and take a guess that your particular implementation
uses much the same thing. And hardly anyone will bother to go that far.

Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791

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