On Mon, Aug 21, 2000 at 10:28:41AM +0200, Ketil Malde wrote:

> Or just a mail server witout buffer overruns would be great. *Sigh*

Just this sort of thing is so often sugested as a proving ground for
all sorts of "fringe" languages.  I know it is frequently suggested on
both the Eiffel and Ada lists.  Yet it never seems to get done.

I think Haskell would be perfect for this task.  Perhaps for the beta
level project just focus on SMTP and local mail delivery, and not on
all the strange mail systems that sendmail endevors to cover.

Let's hear some thoughts on this.

-- Jeffrey Straszheim              |  A sufficiently advanced
-- Systems Engineer, Programmer    |  regular expression is
-- http://www.shadow.net/~stimuli  |  indistinguishable from
-- stimuli AT shadow DOT net       |  magic

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