In making such changes, please bear in mind "Cool URIs Don't Change":

This isn't to say "don't", but where possible, provide some redirection from the
old name to the new name.

To be effective, the web relies on stable links, so that references from
elsewhere don't fade away.  In the end, it is publishers own (presumed) goals in
publishing to the Web that are compromised if URIs become inaccessible.


Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
> Hello,
> I just renamed several wiki pages.  One reason for this renaming was the 
> inconsistent capitalization of page titles.  The thread starting with 
> contains 
> some background of this renaming.
> I think that a consistent and sensible naming of pages of the Haskell Wiki is 
> very important.  Since no further opinions were given concerning page naming 
> and late page renamings might be inconvenient for wiki users, I decided to do 
> this page renaming now, according to what was said in the above-mentioned 
> thread and to what I thought was sensible.
> I have put some further information about the renaming on the wiki itself 
> under  
> Maybe the rationale for page titles given there can server as a basis for a 
> kind of standard for Haskell Wiki page names?
> I'm open to comments.
> Best wishes,
> Wolfgang
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