Dear colleagues,

(Apologies for cross-posting; please share with your students and
colleagues as
is appropriate.)

Utrecht University's Software Technology group is looking to hire a PhD
candidate. We are interested in finding a candidate who is excited to work
mathematical aspects of computer science. Specifically, our team works on
differential and probabilistic programming, with topics ranging from the
foundations of the field in (applied) category theory, programming language
theory, and continuous mathematics, to applications in programming language
implementation, scientific computing, and machine learning. We are looking
for a
student who is enthusiastic about research and will take the initiative to
the most of this very flexible PhD position.

For more details, see

The deadline for applications is Monday, June 8, 2020, but applications
will be
considered until the position is filled.

For all inquiries please contact
Matthijs Vákár (

Kind regards,

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