Dear Experts,

I am trying to use the workbench commands but cannot get them to work.  After 
opening the “wb_command” file in my linux terminal, I get the message printed 

However, none of the commands work and nothing comes up when I type in the 
command by itself to get help.

I have tried all the various combinations.  With the “-“, without it.  With 
“wb_command” to start, without it, etc.

Also, I would like to conduct variance normalization on some of the .nii files 
from the ICA-Fix dataset.  Would using the command, “-volume-reduce" with the 
VARIANCE operation accomplish this?

Thank you very much for you help.


UM-46JNG5RP:~ admin$ /Applications/workbench/bin_macosx64/wb_command ; exit &
Connectome Workbench
Version: 1.0
Qt Compiled Version: 4.8.3
Qt Runtime Version: 4.8.3
commit: dfd2086d37612ccf2369b85b5f5f0f5987369339
commit date: 2014-09-09 13:23:57 -0500
Compiler: clang2++ (/usr/local/clang-openmp-opt/llvm/build/Release/bin)
Compiler Version:
Compiled Debug: NO
Operating System: Apple OSX

Information options:
   -help                 print this help info
   -arguments-help       explain how to read the help info for subcommands
   -version              print version information only
   -list-commands        print all non-information (processing) subcommands
   -all-commands-help    print all non-information (processing) subcommands and
                            their help info - VERY LONG

Global options (can be added to any command):
   -disable-provenance   don't generate provenance info in output files

If the first argument is not recognized, all processing commands that start
   with the argument are displayed

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