
I have been trying to download the 500+ dataset, but due to its size I guess, 
the downloading process eventually gets frozen and when I try to re-establish 
the connection link I get this error: Server Refused Request (Code 34). On the 
Aspera web site the error is explained as "Unauthorized by external auth 
server"  (https://support.asperasoft.com/entries/22895528-fasp-Error-Codes) and 
it is not retryable. I have even used a script to periodically renew my session 
on the connectome database but it did not work.

My questions are:

1- Is there a way to download the 500 dataset without getting this error?
2- If not, can I create my own subsets and download them separately? Lets say 
divide the whole dataset into 5 100-subject subsets. Because I was able to 
download the 100 dataset without getting any errors.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best wishes,
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