I don't know what the mat attribute is, as it doesn't seem to correspond to
anything that exists in a normal gifti surface file.  The other two arrays
are the floating point coordinates of each vertex, and the sets of three
integer vertex indices that make the triangles between the vertices.  I
would expect the vertices matrix to be the one with coordinates, but that
would mean that the faces array should have twice as many rows, whereas you
said the opposite was true.

The array of triangles is very close to twice as many rows because each
triangle uses exactly 3 vertices, while each vertex participates in an
average of ~6 triangles.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 3:30 AM, sky9...@126.com <sky9...@126.com> wrote:

> hi,
> When I use matlab to read *_midthickness.32k_fs_LR.surf.gii, I get three 
> attributes
> of this gii file. These three attributes are faces、mat、vertices. I want
> to know what is the meaning of those three attributes and each column
> meaning of faces and attribute. Also, why the row number of vertices is two
> times as much as faces.
> ------------------------------
> sky9...@126.com
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